系列:春光奮起同我行 作品設計概念: 葫蘆,取福與祿的好口彩。 作品《納福承祿八方春》,取古典的如意造型。四個葫蘆,有四方齊聚、八面承納福祿之意,在美學上,對稱的體現,亦展一種和諧之美。 設計上,葫蘆瓶口以水浪紋層層環繞不絕,因風水上水主財,故作品寓有財源滾滾,福祿不止的吉祥祝福。 作品顏色的暈染,絲絲扣扣,循序遞進,高浮雕的造型,讓葫蘆與水環高低層疊,環環相扣,琉璃的厚薄變化,讓作品在光影下,又呈另番風景,是既立體又極具現代的創作風格。 Much like its sister art piece, “Accept Fortune, Receive Blessings,” this minimalistic rendition of the classic four-hulu design draws its inspiration from the four seasons and the four cardinal compass directions of the Earth. Doubling it makes a lucky number eight—representing many fortunes in the traditional Chinese aesthetic. Combining the never-ceasing energy of waves, the artwork embodies a constant and infinite source of energy—a reminder of the celebration of the seasonal cycle and the energy that is innate within us all. Smartly designed with negative space and minimalism, this piece makes for a chiq statement in any interior space. The Chinese word for gourd, hulu (葫蘆), has other auspicious associations as well. In some dialects, the character hu (葫) has a similar pronunciation to fu (福) which means "happiness" or "good fortune". Therefore, saying hulu (葫蘆) for gourd would sound similar to fulu (福禄) which means "happiness and rank (as in attaining a high government office)". |