系列:龍出 作品設計概念: 火龍,光耀騰舞,如日中天。神龍彷彿伴著巨焰從天而降,散發奪目的光芒。作品遠觀如一團烈焰,近視龍的雕刻細緻入微,雙眼炯炯有神,張口呲牙,鬚髮飄逸。龍身呈S型盤旋,富有動感,尾巴與火焰相互交織,融為一體。清《述異記》中云,火龍全身有紫火纏繞。作品中火焰的顏色由深及淺,深紫、藍紫、藍綠、琥珀,過渡自然,如此豐富的層次全憑工藝師十多年的經驗。火龍騰飛,代表光明與力量。神龍橫空出世,衝破一切束縛,給人們帶來希望,和諧盛世。 Birthed from flames, entwined in an illusory—yet physical—fire, this “baoping” (treasure vase) reveals a classically Chinese, yet expressionistic dragon. Descending from the heavens in its almost-abstract body, the “Fiery Illumination Baoping” dragon conveys a symbolic spirit of very Chinese virtues. To be bold, and to be silent yet powerful, the vivid persona of the “fire element” dragon radiates strongly with a striking design. LIULI glass artisans use tiring mouth-blowing techniques, forging a vase adorned with glimmering gold leaf patterns unique to every piece. The artworks’ tops are casted in the studio’s signature pate-de-verre method, tirelessly sculpted again and again. What emerges from the flames—physical in-studio as well as metaphysical—is an artwork rooted in classic symbolism and expressed like no other in the world. |