

Collection: Only Love, Only Concern

Official Introduction: 
Only Love, Only Concern  |  唯愛唯關懷

"To embrace uncertainty and change, we need to stay strong, clear and never lose sight of who we are... For me, the act of sculpting Buddhist is more than a creative activity, it is a journey of understanding myself and reflection to the world around me, it is a presentation of love and concern for our world and our lives." - Loretta H. Yang

『所有生命的焦慮、不安、疑惑,可有一種智慧帶我們跨越? 佛像創作對我而言,並不是一個單純的藝術活動,而是我的沉思和冥想,它讓我遠離不安,看到愛與慈悲、關懷,這樣的尋覓和修持,讓我心靈平靜。』──楊惠姍

Related Collection: 
Light Exists Because of Love  |  Mortal Smile