系列: 甚是如意 作品設計概念: 富貴,是一種幸福的願望, 富貴的期許和祈求,轉換成各式各樣的象徵事物,如意即是 如意取材岩石自然風化後的紋理,仿佛直接從山石上鑿下來一般,是為師法自然的最高境界。圓形底座光滑平整,如同從群山間冉冉升起的旭日。 謙謙君子,志向高遠,贈以山水松柏,祝願未來前程似錦,合作如山長水闊。 The “Ruyi of Achievement” is crafted with a classic straight handle, evoking immense mountain ranges and timeless, unyielding boulders. Like the sun rising above a mountain range, the smooth, well-rounded base contrasts with the ruggedness of the ruyi, which evokes the natural erosion of rock by the force of wind and rain, paying the highest tribute to nature. Ancient sages held that a ruyi kept in one’s place of work would bring good luck in accordance with feng shui, shielding from negative energy, generating good fortune and clearing away obstacles to career advancement. This makes the “Ruyi of Achievement” the perfect gift to wish coworkers much success for the year and a long-lasting partnership that is vast as the mountains and broad as the seas. |
高遠如意 壁立千仞 |
Ruyi of Achievement Scale heights unknown, |