系列: 是美麗的;必綻放 作品設計概念: 此款作品用誇張手法,表現了在惡劣的環境中,芍藥奮力生長的狀態,作品正面的一條裂紋,是生命頑強迸發的痕跡。芍藥花以定色方式表現,濃烈的色彩,如舞綻放。背面左側模仿大地乾涸而龜裂的效果,與正面的裂痕相呼應。背面右側為拋光面,以90°角的棱面,折射左半側裂痕效果。底座則是大面積留白處理,澄澈透明。左右兩側的轉角處,則營造出山石嶙峋的效果。 ?芍藥,耐寒、耐旱,具有很強的適應性。 幾近乾涸的土地,一枝奮力破土而出的芍藥花,衝破束縛,開得決然、濃烈。 芍藥花傲然綻放, 是頑強不屈的生命意志, 是無論何處都要綻放的決心。 是生命意志在大自然中最美的逆襲。 Arising from a cracked and rugged façade is the garden peony, a commonly understated flower known for its tenacious ability to flourish in unforgiving conditions. This glass sculpture piece brings to the home a modern touch, and expresses both beauty and strong-willed determination. The art piece represents the unstifled potential of will power and beauties both visible and invisible to the naked eye. |