系列: 信念永不止步 作品設計概念: 作品以松樹生長的姿態為靈感來源,巧妙借用松樹自然生長而產生的彎曲,將蒼翠的青松枝幹,變形為如意柄,而盤旋向上的松釵,則是如意頭的姿態。松針和松樹枝幹上的紋理清晰呈現。作品底座則以山石紋理表現,象徵青松破寒石而出的堅韌,青松與透明的山石,在視覺上亦呈現出高潔質樸的清輝。 Heavenly Pine is a three-inlay ruyi, or ceremonial scepter, fashioned using LIULI's signature pâte de verre technique. It depicts a hardy pine tree growing out of a boulder which forms the base of the ruyi. The head of the ruyi is a cluster of pine needles that fans out from the trunk. The evergreen needles of the pine tree figurine symbolize vitality and auspiciousness, and the sculpture conveys wishes for longevity, peace and health, making it an excellent gift for a close friend. The needles are rendered with LIULI's usual attention to detail, and the complex shades of color throughout the trunk catch the eye, inviting further study and contemplation. |