唱著歌兒上上游 (琉璃動物,金魚,好運,吉祥)
系列: 江河湖海,做一尾熱情的魚 作品設計概念: 一條自在悠閒的金魚,哼著歌兒,順著水浪向上游。 金魚,寓意吉祥,好運。金魚躍在浪花的頂端,有“一躍頂尖”之意,作品整體呈現出向上的生命姿態 ,是對人生的一種激勵。金魚的頭部是較為深紅的顏色,恰有“鴻運當頭”之意。 上升的波浪,綿延成為代表勝利的飄帶。 金魚躍在浪花的頂端,有“一躍頂尖”之意,作品整體呈現出向上的生命姿態 ,是 對人生的一種激勵。 This piece represents victory, fortitude, and perseverance. A single fish swims upstream, persevering and making splashes larger than one would expect for one its size. The piece shows artisan glasswork with each delicate flare of a wave; using expert understanding of balance to achieve form. The artwork demonstrates the power of one lone individual, and strength in determination. |