系列: 觀音系列 作品設計概念: 觀音造像以頭戴髪巾、高髮髻及小化佛點綴,面容慈祥、微笑,菩薩裝飾紋理簡潔流暢,佩戴飾鏈瓔珞,展現婉容慈祥的女性形象,是漢傳佛教造像的經典之一。白衣觀音在民間廣受崇拜,被視為消災延命、保家平安、求子育兒的神明。白色象徵純淨,表達觀音的菩提心,禪定印則表示身心安寧,無雜念,進入禪定狀態。觀音的意義是慈悲眾生、聞聲救苦、善得圓滿。 The White Robed Guanyin is a classic Han Buddhist image of the compassionate and gentle feminine portal of Guanyin. With a high knot hair adorned with a small Buddha and a baihao marking on the forehead, Guanyin sits upright with a placid expression, wearing an intricately sculpted draped robe and an yingluo across its chest. The white color of the robe symbolizes boundless virtue and a pure heart turned toward Buddhism. The White Robed Guanyin is widely revered for its power to ward off disaster, protect the home, and encourage fertility, among other powers. *The white base and incense stand featured in the display are for aesthetic purposes only and will not be included as part of the art pieces. |