一朵中國琉璃花; 藝術家楊惠姍心靈深處的夢顏色是什麼? 她努力的用花朵去呈現她的每一段時間的生命狀態, 她希望那是在民族感下的獨一無二的花的綻放,是詩意的,是呈現生命狀態的詮釋。 花的顏色逼近真實,而經過放大,在“真實”與“不真實”的矛盾裡又產生出奇怪的真實, 依附在一種脆弱的琉璃材質去呈現,是生命中的謙卑和悲憫。 山茶花別名曼陀羅。代表優雅,花期漫長,自冬開放到春天,一枝獨秀,不畏嚴寒。一瓣一瓣張開的花朵,層次分明,紋理清晰,像是春意重重漾開來,格外寫實。藝術家以獨特的視角,賦予山茶堅強獨立的氣質。花朵在岩石中盡情綻放,體現堅定不屈的志氣,提醒我們不管在多麼惡劣的環境中,只要你保有一顆積極向上的心,終將美麗綻放。葉片脈絡清晰代表通往成功的道路暢通無阻,成為獨樹一幟的絞絞者。
The Camellia has a reputation of withstanding bitter winters, yet… in the most elegant fashion. The base of the glass sculpture was crafted to have a rough texture, contrasting sharply with the crystal flower, which uses colorful, powdered crystal glass. The two pieces are made separately, fired in the kiln at different temperatures, before being expertly joined together in the same kiln. The concluding impression one is left with is the beautifully resilient spirit of the camellia flower. An alternative interpretation speaks to the nature of growing—that is to say, only after surviving the harshness of winter can one blossom in the spring.
A crystal glass sculpture representing beauty and resilience, strength and determination.