系列: 江河湖海,做一尾熱情的魚 作品設計概念: 作品取材自“鯉魚躍龍門”的典故,六尾鯉魚逐浪前行,領頭魚縱身躍起,即將化身為龍的瞬間,作品為此系列中魚神情最特別的一款。“魚躍龍門,過而成龍”的傳說,讓作品具有“登科高升,飛黃騰達”的美好寓意。 六尾魚無懼風浪、鬥志昂揚, 拱起身體卯足勁,領頭魚遙遙領先,回身為同伴呐喊,加油鼓勁。 作品的主角, 似魚似龍,雕塑上表現極具戲劇性和裝飾性。 This piece symbolizes victory, success, progress, transformation, and evolution. In East Asian folklore, carp evolve into dragons. Six carps are seen here, with uniquely dragon-like faces, battling their way to the “dragon gate.” One calls out to the others, standing apart but not alone, leading the way, representing progress, success, and transformation. Flowing forward from the rest, the delicate shape shows artists’ attention to form and dedication to a challenging work. |