系列: 吉祥美好時光 作品設計概念: 雙魚-生機 「吉祥」是佛學裡,之於庇佑天下的冀望,也是中國人,之於世事安穩的渴求。「吉祥」一詞,是知道生命有太多的缺憾,興衰,圓缺,悲歡離合之後,人,對生命的最深祈願。佛法八吉祥,以巧妙的圖騰,對人世所有對境,逐一作了祈祝。是正念的觀照,也是人生逆境的鼓舞。 This glasswork interpretation of the ancient scriptures of “Ashtamangala,” or “Eight Offerings,” depicts the symbol of a pair of golden fish. In his path to enlightenment, Gautama Buddha was offered this sign, symbolizing the clarity and wisdom of all sentient beings. Across multiple religions and cultural narratives, the fish holds auspicious symbolism and carries with it immense fortune and meaning. In LIULI’s “Eight Auspicious Offerings” mini-series, these sculptures are carved in low relief and radiate with an auspicious golden-amber energy. |