系列: 澄明之悟 作品設計概念: 蓮花又稱荷花,古稱「芙蓉」形容美女出浴,稱為「出水芙蓉」,蓮花會結蓮蓬,長蓮藕,葉有長柄,將傘狀的葉高高撐出水面,但睡蓮不結蓮蓬,不長蓮藕,葉子平鋪水面。蓮花原產於印度的熱帶地區,大約在東漢明帝,蓮花隨佛教一起傳入中國。2.在中國傳統藝術中至少有三種寓意:佛教的:表示佛的聖潔。文人的:表示清高及有品德的君子。民間的:運用諧音,「蓮」同「連」,「憐」:「荷」同「合」「和」如連年有餘,連生貴子,和合如意。3.花瓣一瓣自然向前伸展,增加整體的造型優推與動態之美,有著巧妙的平衡。 Buddhist teachings favor the lotus flower most among so many others for its affinity to rebirth. This piece comes from Loretta H. Yang’s acclaimed collection “Proof of Awareness” and expresses that resilient spirit captured in the zenith of the flower’s bloom. Like a still, the sculpture is caught in a brief moment of time, eliciting a feeling of ephemerality. Its petals hide a deeper beauty, contained in the consciousness found in this enlightenment moment. “Lotus Consciousness” sacrifices color and targets just the purity of the spirit. The collector’s edition shown here is available in highly limited quantities. |