注:可供數量有限,且將快要停產。 系列:澄明之悟 |
作品設計概念: 牡丹雍容華貴,富麗嬌豔,自古即被視為富貴吉祥的象徵,別稱報雨花,洛陽花,貴花,木芍藥等,至遲在隋朝時,就已經成為名貴的觀賞花卉,,因唐代李正封的詩句中對於牡丹的描述:「國色朝甜酒,天香夜染衣」故素有「國色天香」的美稱。吉祥圖中的杜丹主要作為「富貴之花」出現的,如:將牡丹,海業與玉蘭佩在一起,因玉蘭有「玉」海棠有「堂」,便組成「玉堂富貴」,牡丹和花瓶的圖像,瓶表示「平安」,即構成「富貴平安」。民間常見的以凰和牡丹,題作「鳳凰戲牡丹」,說明對愛情的追求。 此作品的藝術家版本收藏於下列玻璃博物館收藏:
Award-winning crystal glass peony Proof of Awareness, seen here, was immediately acquired by the Corning Museum of Glass and The Museum of Arts & Design upon its debut in 2007. The magnificent glass sculpture took center spotlight, which is natural considering the collection’s unique relationship with light. Unprecedented by any other glass artwork, the Proof of Awareness collection is thus far the purest expression of a flower’s spirit. Devoid of all color, it is within the crystal medium that artist Loretta H. Yang conveys a clarity one can only hope to discover through introspection. The Proof of Awareness collection demonstrates a deeper connection to life’s impermanence than any LIULI art before it, manifesting a life philosophy that is found within, communicating a sincerity uncovered only through honest self-expression. |