系列: 福足圓滿諸安順 作品設計概念: 回應主概念,祝福諸福。 一隻安靜祈禱的天使小豬,雙手相握,兩眼輕合,虔誠的祈願祝禱。 小豬身後雙翼微微展開,讓整個造型成為一個心形,更貼近作品祈願的主題 有著樂觀的人生態度,對明天必定充滿美好的希望。天使小豬表情甜美,動作傳神,象徵著對美好明天的祝願。無論作為新生兒贈禮、生日贈禮、情侶之間的互贈或節日贈禮,都是理想的選擇。 Quietly and peacefully praying, this piglet closes its eyes gently and is in the moment of good faith. In its loving facial expression, we experience sincerity and optimism. Gently unfurled wings form a soft heart behind the piglet, further accentuating the theme. This vivid and angelic design makes an ideal gift for newborns or birthday celebration. |