Design Concept: 兔子代表著黎明生機,傳說是卯時之神。一年中,萬物冒地而出的季節是二月;一天中月輝尚未隱退,稱為「卯時」,亦稱「兔時」。卯、兔都代表著一年、一天中的好春意,好時間。細膩擬人的雕刻,物與景的融合。長長的耳朵在微風中飄揚,花朵的裝點帶來清香,整個身體都舒展開來,讓所見之人也仿佛置身在一片花海中,心情舒暢。要知道,一般野外生存的兔子,耳朵是重要的「監聽器」,需要時刻保持警惕。 The rabbit symbolizes intelligence and vitality and is believed to be the spirit of mao (the hours between 5a-7a). February corresponds to the Lunar New Year, the beginning of the spring season and the season when life begins to reemerge. The time of day when the moon has yet to recede from the daytime sky is called “time of mao”, or “time of the rabbit”. Mao and tu (rabbit) symbolize the fortune and good times in our days and lives. This delicate anthropomorphic sculture combines object with scenery. Caught on the breeze, the rabbit’s long ears emit a gentle floral fragrance that opens its heart and body - and that of those around it. Wild rabbits stay alert by using their ears as detectors. But when they have the opportunity to let their guard down in a comfortable and pleasant environment, they become joyful. |