系列: 靈慧機敏吉祥年 作品設計概念: 錢鼠來財,數錢,諧音鼠錢,所以老鼠常常與財富連接。老鼠擅搬運,屯糧,所以不僅帶來財富,更擅長守住財富。開啟好兆頭,金鼠掌舵,開啟一年鴻運當頭。吉祥寶船,滿滿寶聚,是富裕豐藏,也是源源不斷,遇水生財。 The first of its kind, this newly inspired design concept comes from the imagination of LIULI Living studio artists. The Year of the Rat, as the first of all twelve zodiacs, is not only known for its leadership qualities but its association with collecting and storing wealth. Our artists hope to inspire those with an affinity for this zodiac to collect luck, wealth, and rich memories always, storing them in a safe place to come back to in times of need. Aboard the Auspicious Ship, we will never be hungry or in need. |