系列:喚醒 第一道陽光 作品設計概念: 金雞為報曉雄雞的美稱,在一輪朝陽中,猶如丹鳳朝陽,沐浴金色陽光; 昂首高歌,一輪金輝正從遠處冉冉升起,令人想起大詩人李白那句『半壁見海日,空中聞天雞』的奇逸美景。 作品設計上,一輪金輝象徵日出時刻,剔透的琉紋向四周發散,仿佛光芒四射。雄雞全身呈現有層次的漸變色彩;從雞冠到頸部採用定色法,從深紅色到金琥色,表現日出過程中光彩的變化,寓意迎接新年第一道陽光。紅橙黃綠最後展開一輪金輝,昂首挺胸的姿態充分展現日出下的絕世芳華,致敬自信美麗的新時代人們。 Inspired by the vivid poetic imagery of classic Chinese poet Li Bai, this auspicious rooster stands boldly on a cliff and sings a warm invitation to a new sun. LIULI glass artists skillfully manipulate crystal and space in this design to bring out the golden halo of the sun, radiating rays of light, and colorful layers of gradients in the subject. Representing a warm welcome and daybreak, this art piece pays homage to the Chinese heavenly rooster. |