LIULI x Harry Winston Bespoke
The dog year reminds us of some of the most deeply intrinsic values in relationships, most notably—loyalty. As this New Year season continues, we are celebrating seven years of it with our old partner Harry Winston. Nothing gives the heart more wealth than the fortune of everlasting friendship and faith. We invite you to celebrate that with us. |
塞思·麥克法蘭(Seth MacFar...
圖片來源: Oceana, Inc. 塞斯·麥克法蘭(Seth MacFarlane)榮獲殊榮, 為海洋籌集了超過100萬美元在Oceana SeaChange Summer Party上接受獎項。 該頒獎典禮上表彰了多才多藝的塞思·麥克法蘭(Seth MacFa...
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Why I Love 扶風青雲九萬里 每當有人問我最喜歡的琉璃作品,我可以不遐思索地回答「扶風青雲九萬里」。從新加坡到美國,我已經在琉璃工房10年多,這件作品總是牽動我心。首先,作品的顏色與細節都很迷人,從正面看,鳳凰的羽毛呈現3D立體的曲線,從背面看,其色彩與雕刻細節同樣令人驚豔...
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The Stories We Shar...
Why I Love Lifted by Wind, High above Clouds Every time when someone ask me “If there is only one artwork you can choose, which is your favo...
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