花卉題材的如意,以雍容華貴的牡丹花為主要元素,直柄如意的造型。 如意頭部印刻的牡丹花,花瓣層層疊疊,內斂含蓄。與之相對的底座,則是一朵碩大的寫實牡丹,花型飽滿繁盛,盛放的姿態。如意柄大面積留白拋光,與怒放的牡丹形成視覺對比。 牡丹花,因其富麗、華貴,色、香、韻集於一身。常被用於傳統繪畫、雕塑,取花開富貴,金玉滿堂之意,是傳統吉祥圖案之一。 牡丹靜靜綻放,不著一字,卻道盡人間美好。此款如意置於家中,不僅增添一抹亮色和喜氣,也是富貴平安的好彩頭。作為新春賀禮,也必是人見人愛之物。
A ruyi inspired by flowers. The opulent and magnificent peony takes center-stage on a straight-handled ruyi. Intricate layered peony petals are engraved on the ruyi head. The base is a large realistic peony in opulent full bloom. The white of the petals are polished, forming a visual contrast with the velvety pink bloom. The peony is wealth, opulence, color, fragrance and allure embodied in one form. It is a favorite theme of classic painting and sculpture and is one of the most recognized traditional auspicious symbols. The peony blooms gently yet releases immeasurable goodness into the world. Placed in the home, not only will this ruyi introduce color and joy, it will promote peace and fortune. It is a new year gift that speaks to all.