系列:良時吉日歲歲好 Ubiquitous Moments of Fulfillment 作品設計概念: 鵪鶉諧音「安順」,兩隻鵪鶉立在枝頭,一隻重心微微向右傾,另一隻站在枝頭更高處,視線一致。「桔」諧音「吉」,在佳慶時刻,桔子共同傳達著人們心中的願景,大吉大利。作品中部,六顆桔子團團環繞在鵪鶉足下,通過自然的寫實傳達出美好歲月中的充實富足。底座部分,則運用誇張手法呈現一顆自然飽滿的桔瓣,高拋光工藝,紋絡清晰,琉璃獨有的流紋如波紋飄蕩;整體設計上,作品向上昂揚,形似一艘元寶衝鋒艇,承載著兩顆心,及滿滿的祝福,在靜好的時光長河裏從容前行。 長寬適中,重心平穩,可擺放在玄關、客廳、臥室等,與自然呼應,傳達溫馨甜蜜的生活氛圍,適合喬遷、新婚、合作贈禮。 The quail (anchun) resembles the sound of "peaceful order" (anshun) in Chinese. One is slightly off-center while the other perches high atop a branch, both in the same line of vision. Oranges (ju) sound similar to "luck" (ji) and symbolize wishes of great luck and success in celebratory moments. The design features six oranges beneath the pair of quails, and the artisans have conveyed realistic details to represent the bountiful moments in life. The base is an enlarged, polished orange wedge with defined liuli streams, forming a golden yuanbao vessel that carries two hearts and a boatload of blessings. It encourages one to navigate through life's journey with calmness in good times. This proportionate and balanced design can be placed in the entryway, living room, or bedroom to convey a sweet attitude toward life, making it an ideal housewarming or wedding gift, as well as a gift for professional partnerships. |