系列:五向青雲 作品設計概念: 麒麟出中方,屬性是土, 麒麟,是聖獸王,融合了龍、牛、羊、馬的特徵,體現了 “集美” 思想 (當時人們把真愛動物的優點集中在它身上), 用以象徵才能傑出的人,以及因麒麟是在太平盛世才會示現的靈獸, 也寓意一個和平和善的世界。 如同土,是孕育萬物的根本,無私的承容一切,仁澤人間萬物。 The final and equally significant of the five classic deities that guard the five directions in Chinese astrology is the yellow Qilin. In ancient literature this mythological beast—also “Kirin” in Japan—could only best be understood as a “unicorn” in the West. It is a combination of all five creatures and represents the central “direction.” Here, it is sculpted just like the others in its collection, Directional Clarity, above a celestial orb etched with the runes of ancient astrological maps. The divine creature embodies benevolence, kindness, and a grounded sense of virtue that protects all creatures of Earth. |