系列: 厚德九鼎 作品設計概念: 願而恭,心有大志且謙遜莊重。 所以在《願而恭》的整體設計上, 厚實圓體所象徵的志向, 與饕餮圖紋象徵的謙遜敬慎, 最後交匯成兩個鼎上加鼎, 錦上添花的的美好祝願。 The symbolism in this piece from “The Nine Ding of Profound Virtue” pervades the artwork’s composition in both outward boldness and inward contemplation, testifying to the everlasting truth of a simple virtue that stands to the test of time and is seen repeated in traditions. “Ding of Mutual Respect” stands erect, strongly suggesting far-reaching hopes and aspirations. Inversely, the taotie motif etched in the hollow relief in the transparent interior symbolizes a gentle love for the heavens and all living things on Earth. The piece alludes to outward bluntness as well as sincere respect that comes from a humble gentleness. Both themes compliment one another for an immensely bold and mighty form. |