相關: 牛雕像 作品設計概念: 作品突出的,是一種牛的動感力量。牛身上寫實又誇大的肌理展現,形成一股「衝勁」,充滿爆發力,猶看昂頭、轉腰、蹬腿,浪花飛濺,是動感裡,速度與力量的完美結合,如此強烈的動態雕塑,是琉璃工房在牛相關的作品上,極少見的。 全身肌肉充滿力量,後腿蹬出,一躍而起,沒有一分的猶豫。對於成功的渴望,對於自己的堅定信心,刻畫清晰。 The grand finale that concludes the two mini-series in the 2018 New Year collection “Implement Auspiciousness, the Rest will Follow” features a bold departure from the richly ornamented artworks that characterize the theme of fortune and auspiciousness. This glasswork of a charging bull, however, takes the sentiment of grand fortunes echoed in the collection and brings dynamism and movement to them. In “Fearless and Undaunted,” a fluid and expressive sincerity invokes the desire to persist and endeavor. This glass piece is symbolic of ambitions and the unwavering determination found within that carries one’s wishes forward toward the attainment of his or her vision. The artwork represents persistence, the attainment of fortunes, and the unwavering determination that it requires to get there. |