一只只眼睛, 洞悉所有的不安, 一雙雙手, 撫慰所有的苦痛, 穿過千年萬年的時光 光明吉祥永遠人間
千手千眼千悲智, 是楊惠姍「今生大願」的 一步一步造像修持, 也是人間眾生同修共持的一步。
Thousand Arms, Thousand Eyes,Possessing the Knowledge of Sorrow
Thousands of eyes, Witnessing the world’s unrest, Thousands of arms, Comforting all that is sorrowful, Through thousands and millions of years, Light and luck will forever prevail.
Thousand Arms, Thousand Eyes, Possessing the Knowledge of Sorrow is one of the many steps leading toward transcendence in Loretta Hui-shan Yang’s Wish of A Lifetime. It also poses as a transcendent step for humankind.