系列:厚德九鼎 作品設計概念: 鼎耳, 是擎天的雙龍, 自山石延展幻化而上, 鼎立於天地。 雙龍,昂揚騰起, 帶領,一種能呼風喚雨的力量存在, 是突破,是卓越。 鼎身,仿造山石設計的美學, 山石,象徵堅毅正直的氣節, 而中心留白的拋光設計, 是心的坦蕩光明, 是處事的磊落正義。 This imposing yet calm art piece from the “Nine Ding of Profound Virtue” collection contains the imagery of two dragons, in their most representational form in the series. The two deities embody a power strong enough to command wind and rain, rising alongside a powerful yet calmly resolute mountainside (sculpted into the body of the ding piece). The two ancient and complimenting wisdom here are docility, or calmness and reason, and boldness, unwavering and resolute. Together, they comprise the strongest of characters. In emphasizing the exercise of real strength, this art piece is a powerful reminder that unabashed boldness is best executed with a good measure of humility. |