系列: 澄明之悟 作品設計概念: 菊,即菊花。陰曆九月是菊花開放的時期,為此稱九月為「菊月」。《花鏡》:「菊有五美:圓花高懸,准天極也:純黃不雜,後土色也:早植晚發,君子徳也:冒霜吐穎,象貞質也:杯中體輕,神仙食也。」對菊做了極高的評價。因菊凌霜盛開,神韻清秀,一直為歷代文人所鍾愛。5.在吉祥圖中,菊花因其西風不落的傲骨與蘭,梅,竹組圖,被喻為「四君子」。《九秋同慶》圖中繪桂花,芙蓉花,雞冠花,海棠,菊花,秋藥,石竹,南天竹蘭草九種花草,這些均為秋季的應時花草。《說文爾雅》有「秋為收成」,秋天是收穫的季節,而秋季為九十天。稱作「九秋」,此圖寓意喜迎豐收。由於飲菊能使人身輕益氣,故菊花又稱長壽花。《杞菊延年》圖中繪有菊花,枸杞,表達了健康長壽的祝福意義。 The autumn flower of Chinese literature’s classic “Four Gentlemen,” ever bittersweet and melancholy, is the Chrysanthemum. It blossoms in the fall, blooming when all other flowers wither. This piece comes from Loretta H. Yang’s acclaimed series “Proof of Awareness,” a series that expresses through the zenith of a flower’s beauty the fragile and fleeting nature of life. Yang’s philosophies draw from Far East philosophies and Buddhist teachings. And the artwork that emerges is a deep wisdom on transience and appreciation for beauty. This collector’s edition of the original “Chrysanthemum Dance” is created by the studio in highly limited quantities. |