敬天愛人 無所畏懼(琉璃動物,鯨魚,榮譽,自然)
系列:前進 未至之境 作品設計概念: "突出鯨魚本身,承載一切,潛入海的最深處而激發的瞬間力量,是從自身發出的奉獻及貢獻,因為自身巨大而閃耀出更大的影響力,無限延伸而而天地,大海漸變透明,而透明的琉璃使整件作品沒有邊界,力量無限的放大再放大,照拂到每一處每個人心。 The power of the whale rising from the waves into the sunlight is captured in this sculpture. As the whale rises, it brings with it energy from the depths of the ocean and its very soul, creating a sum greater than its parts. Extending from sea to sky, liuli as a medium is boundless which makes it ideal for capturing the vastness of the world we live in. Immense power amplified, rippling outward into every heart. This piece is suitable for sending appreciation of strength, perseverance and resilience. |