系列:我的神獸朋友 作品設計概念: 《仁善麒麟》塑造的是一頭奮蹄前進的麒麟神獸。全身鱗角雕塑細緻至極,頭尾鬃尾飛揚,與底部的祥雲互相呼應,塑造出青雲而上的俊美麒麟。麒麟是古人對鹿、馬、牛、魚等吉祥動物造型集合而產生的神獸,集眾美於一身。相傳麒麟喜歡幫助好人,對善良的人特別照顧。作為吉祥、仁慈的瑞獸,正是儒家思想的形象體現。麒麟的美好形象,讓它不僅有著祥瑞的意義,更成為了贈禮之選。 The Benevolent Qilin shows a qilin in forward advance. Intricately sculpted, it appears in motion in vivid detail. Standing on a base of auspicious clouds, it alludes to a swift rise to the top. Gentle, elegant, the embodiment of auspiciousness and benevolence, the qilin takes parts of the deer, horse, ox, fish and combines them into one. Qilin is the epitome of beauty and enjoys helping good, thoughtful, and kind people. Qilin resonates Confucianism philosophy of benevolence in Asian culture. Qilin is an auspicious beast that makes for an ideal gift. |