系列:是美麗的;必綻放 |
作品設計概念: 此款作品描繪了,萬物凋零的寒冬,百花絕跡,唯有朵朵梅花淩寒綻放,豔如朝霞的場景。 靠近作品中心處,高浮雕一枝淩寒怒放的梅花,看似不經意的一抹,實為寫意的梅枝。起伏密佈的小顆粒,細緻入微地刻畫了融雪的狀態。花瓣定色或深或淺,又略帶斑駁,巧妙地表現了紅梅掩映在雪中的姿態。 ?梅花淩寒而開,自古被認為是高潔、傲骨的象徵,清韻雅致。瑞雪紅梅也有吉慶之意,花開五瓣,也有“梅開五福”之說,即象徵長壽、富貴、康寧、好德、善終。梅,獨天下而春,生命化作點點紅豔破冰雪而出。冰雪嚴寒亦不隱沒,生命在不起眼的地方,以意想不到的方式綻放。 The plum blossom is one of classic Chinese literature’s “Four Gentlemen”—each of which represents a season of the year. This plum blossom radiates like a lone star against the stark backdrop of a frigid and unforgiving winter, testifying to its extraordinary nature of resilience and blossoming grandly despite the cold. The pebbled surface of the art piece is akin to snow melting into ice, against which the five-pedal blossom blooms. The pedals themselves represents fortunes: Longevity, prosperity, health, virtue, and benevolence. |