系列:喚醒 第一道陽光 作品設計概念: 古人將雞看作太陽的使者,傳說暘谷扶桑有金烏,飛而日出; 又說它是負日而翔的太陽鳥,承載著先人對飛翔與光明的嚮往,也給我們帶來無限的溫暖和力量。 雄雞仰天啼鳴,仿佛『太陽使者』神氣十足。雞冠和肉髯等部位運用定色手法,讓作品表達更加生動。 Carved into a relief emerging from a shape suggestive of the sun are detailed etchings of a regal and elegant bird. The Sun Bird combines a minimalist aesthetic with an elaborate and decorative flourish. Reflected in both the warm soft yellows of the rooster and the bright light of the sun is that balance of color and contrast. This glass art piece uses the motifs of sun and phoenix to invoke a feeling of a new day and extraordinary hope. |