系列: 喚醒 第一道陽光 作品設計概念: 雞冠高聳,鬥志滿滿;羽翼隨風舞動,姿態張揚。高高傲立在峰頂,俯視天下,一輪朝陽正從下方地平線升起。雄雞已叫醒了太陽,喚來了光明,新的一天正從它的啼鳴迴響中開始。 雞冠高聳,鬥志滿滿;羽翼隨風舞動,姿態張揚。傲立峰頂,俯視天下,羽毛隨風起舞,與自然融為一體。 This vividly colored piece of glass art expresses a poise of authority and conviction. LIULI studio artists display their technical mastery with a crown crafted from crystal pellets and wild details in the shape of the rooster’s feathers. The expressive and dynamic art piece invokes a feeling of hope as it can only be this creature that holds the power to call in a new sun and summon the light. |