LIULI at Oscars Award Media Center in Hollywood!
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce hosted the 11th Annual Awards Information Media Center for local, national and international members of the credentialed media who covered the Academy Awards® on Thursday, February 27, 2014 in the grandeur of the historic Grauman’s Lobby inside the TCL Chinese 6 Theatre, 6925 Hollywood Boulevard, at third level within Hollywood & Highland.
Liuli Gong Fang glass art is featured in an upcoming Jim Carrey movie- Dumb & Dumber To Sequel (Universal Studios film). 20 years after the dimwits set out on their first adventure, they head out in search of one of their long lost children in the hope of gaining a new kidney. 2014's most anticipated film will be released 20 years after the original on November 19, 2014, and Liuli Gong Fang is proud to be part of this film. There are 3 art pieces featured in the film: "In the Praise of Tulip, A Vase of Riches", "Sunny Day" and "Elephant Goblet of Ascendancy", all designed by Asia's most prominent acting academy award winning actress and film director, Loretta H. Yang and Chang Yi (Creative Director and CEO of Liuli Gong Fang). Liuli Gong Fang will be showcasing the same art pieces that are featured in the film at the annual Award Media Center hosted by Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

Oscars 2014

Liuli with Founders of Pink's Hotdogs and KKADA Liquor

Liuli's Display at the Oscars Award Media Center in TCL Chinese Theater

Hosts from Madame Tussauds Wax Museum Hollywood admiring Liuli Gong Fang's artworks.

Alain Bin Naim producer & On-Air Host from The Aladino Show Report interviewing Stella Lam, Assistant Marketing Manager from Liuli

Stella Lam, Assistant Marketing Manager from Liuli striking a pose with our signature red bag and with Anne Hathaway's wax figure made by Madame Tussaud's Hollywood.

Oscars 2014
塞思·麥克法蘭(Seth MacFar...
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