系列: 豐美 作品設計概念: 一顆苦瓜,似懸在湖心,汲取源源的浩氣,是天地孕育的一個精華,生命力的凝聚。是苦瓜,卻覺悟了人間甘美。作品中心鏤空一個圓,圓周邊和底部,環繞絲絲琉紋,是一個源源循環不斷的生命力。 The classic bitter melon is a crop symbolizing the dualities of life and nature. As if it was a mythical fruit created by the sun and the moon, this melon represents more than a reverence for nature (as the rest of the Enrich collection does). The bitter melon represents a distinctly Chinese philosophy on balance and harmony. Here, “Bittersweet” is sculpted and colored to bring out that contrast. Studio artists draw upon its bittersweet nature, alluding to the same feeling often given to one by life and nature. The work reminds one to flourish in that delicate balance and enjoy all season through their moments, both bitter and sweet. |