系列: 厚德九鼎 作品設計概念: 亂而敬,有才幹且恭敬穩重。 所以在《亂而敬》的整體設計上, 以奔放琉紋意喻熱情才華,以饕餮紋和滿聚的雷紋, 象徵一種處事的慎重,而擁豐華的收穫。 This imposing artwork from the “Nine Dings of Profound Virtue” collection stands upright with unmistakable confidence and ability. This centerpiece commands the type of admiration and respect given to one truly capable of many things for their capability and restraint. Low-relief taotie motifs in the center are complimented on all four sides by the harmonious presence of classic thunder patterns symbolizing a harvest of honor and glory. The underlying message here speaks of order in the midst of chaos, an ability and a confidence that is reflected by both strength and caution, hand-in-hand, to bring peace to the world. |