系列: 厚德九鼎 作品設計概念: 《寬而栗》,對於鼎在當代美學的新表達, 造型上,底座的半圓厚重,造型穩定, 既是對寬容的一種表達, 同樣象徵著一片大大的心田 谷粒紋建立起的排列, 呈現出中國傳統的美學元素, 亦代表滿滿的收穫。 對世界和他人的寬廣,也必帶回滿滿的回報。 心存正念得人望,業績不求也自高。 鼎口下沿的回龍紋,雙龍耳,是商代鼎的特徵。 作品下方的小獸,向上而恭,讓鼎看上去更高高在上, 千年傳承的文化概念,在今天同樣應該為我們仰觀。 In this warm and embracing artwork from the collection, “The Nine Ding of Profound Virtue,” two Shang dynasty dragons flank the sides of a traditional ding bowl, their poise mighty and virtuous, attracting the envious gaze of a smaller dragon below. The piece naturally exudes an air of aspiration and motivation. A resounding and comforting solidity is found in this composition, consisting of a broad base alluding to the embrace of all things and rows of seeds sown for a bright future. The ultimate message found here is that of dignified embrace and stolid acceptance of the world, hence creates a fair society or family. |