Crystal Animal, Mice, Mouse, Year of the Rat, Open to Joy
Collection: Year of the Rat-A Brilliantly Auspicious Year Design Description: This auspicious and lively artwork of the Chinese zodiac’s Year of the Rat casts a warm and comforting glow in its wake. The crystal glass design brings into theme the character “Xi” (喜) which is a common adornment on many Chinese doors especially in the New Year. It appears here in the artwork, as the zodiac animal opens the door to a new year and reveals a deluge of persimmons and rich bounty. Depth and sculptural detail are married in this charmingly symbolic and joyful art piece, bringing nothing but joy and fortune into one’s home. Collect the Year of the Rat piece now for a promising year to come! 喜的字樣,以及門內盈滿的柿子,說的正是喜事連連。 設計上, 柿子刻意滿出了門外,且鼠被好多的喜事擠了出來,連門想關都關不上。訴求雪片般的喜事豐擁而來,「喜事連連」的表現非常生動具象。讓一隻喜事連連、笑開懷的小鼠,帶領我們開啟新年大門,2020將勢必好事成雙,福運源源。喜字拋光,老鼠圓雕處理以及高浮雕的柿子,作品簡繁細節都處理精准,八邊形的造型,比另兩邊的斜面更具景深,營造無限擴展的空間視覺感。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.