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Crystal Fish, Goldfish, Rising New Era, 24k Gold Leaf



Collection: Buoyed by Spring Light 

Design Description:

“Rising New Era” is the highlight in LIULI Crystal Art’s 2019 new collection “Buoyed by Spring Light”. Sculpted in exquisite detail of nine fish with sharp contrasts in both negative and positive relief, each fish symbolizes the blessing of an inextinguishable life force come together.

Nine fish appear in various formations as they swim upward as one with vigor and positivity. In Mandarin, nine is homonymous with the word for long – here it symbolizes prolonged prosperity and longevity. Fish is homonymous with the word for abundance – here it symbolizes profusion year after year and a lifetime of fortune. The open circle in the base is where fortune gathers. It symbolizes the blessing of an inextinguishable life force. Sculpturally, the tails of the nine fish fan out like a flower, each petal spreads outward with organic energy. This dynamic display is testament to the experience and mastery.

九條金魚以各種姿態飛舞聚集向上,同心而一,展現正向的蓬勃朝氣與積極樂觀。九魚,九魚呈祥,曆有多種吉祥說法: 「九」音同「久」,預示著福祿長久,基業長青, 「魚」音同「餘」,預示著年年有餘,一生富貴, 九魚嬉戲,預示著家庭和和美美,其樂融融, 魚在水中游,預示著事業如魚得水,順風順水。底座,以一同心圓設計,取彙聚源源(圓圓)活水之意,讓作品具有「生生不息、源遠流長」的美好寓意。 雕塑上,九條金魚尾巴各自舒展成花的造型,瓣瓣相接活潑生動,流動有暢的有機的線條,令作品靈動樂舞起來,完全可見工藝師實力與經驗的積累。

Rising New Era

The power of eight sides
Come together as one in the breaking dawn.
Boundless energy rising,
this is the beginning of a new era.


開天,辟地, 共創新世紀。

Item No.:



47.5*17.5*28 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre 脫蠟鑄造法 

Limited Edition:

998 pieces

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

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