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Crystal Paperweight, Peacock, A Radiant Heart


Collection: 祥瑞形象 美麗人間 An Auspicious Look for a Beautiful World

Design Description:

The classic peacock in Chinese art is a theme often represented in narratives pertaining to benevolence and beauty. It is a symbol of opulence, of a richness beyond wealth but in heart and virtue. Indeed, as referenced by “The Lost Book of Zhou,” these virtues symbolized by the animal are: Loyalty, trust, respect, strength, gentleness, stability, purity, and fluidity. Here, studio artists chose to emphasize on that internal beauty by crafting the sculpture in negative relief. The elegant feathers of the bird fan out, radiating an effulgence from within that is encapsulated in one indelible message of the true richness of a beautiful and radiant heart.

中國傳統常以孔雀入畫,並懸掛於廳堂顯著的位置。不僅因為孔雀的翎羽綺麗,姿態婀娜,有富貴吉祥的寓意,更借“九德”顯示主人高尚的品德和修養。 作品以陰刻的孔雀,羽毛細緻入微,層層向外無限綻放發展,塊面與拋光的設計,讓孔雀的圖案反射於內,其琉璃與光的互動,營造熠熠生輝的豐富層次。

A Radiant Heart

A radiant heart
Drives light
into every corner
For fulfillment and opulence
In the new era.



Item No.:



9.8*9.8*5 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre 脫蠟鑄造法 

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

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