Crystal Flower, Peony, A Fresh and Wonderful Blessing-Windflower Peony
Collection: Flowers Of The Earth Design Description: Coming from the collection “Flowers of the Earth,” this artwork departs from the boldly colored glasswork that is typical of LIULI. This piece is a “windflower peony.” Here, focusing on the spirit of the subject rather than its outward beauty, LIULI artists are able to more accurately invoke the flower’s soul. The resulting effect is more than simply appreciating a peony flower; it is also imagining how that peony drifts in a summer breeze. 迎風花俗稱白頭翁花,果實成熟後,會隨風飛揚,象徵著心態上成熟的人,到哪裡,都能適應良好。圓形代表圓融的處世智慧,具有祝福待人處世上,處處隨和,有所包容,與人為善的美好寓意。用開放的態度面對每一天,期待新想法、新觀點,不拘泥舊思維,隨機應變,每一天都是新的一天。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.