Crystal Vessel, Chinese Ding, Flourishing Ding
Collection:A Treasure for All Generations Design Description: The flourishing and prosperous square ding is the most contemporary in the collection. The base is a minimal and literal portrayal of flames that adds to the design's depth; the sides are patterned in a fire motif. Two different techniques brings together a shared design element. 琉璃工房用琉璃的尊鼎器物,追尋文化裡,那遺失的、輝煌的、極致的美好。 知道輝煌的過去,才有輝煌的未來 -- 張毅 此款鼎大氣磅礴,結合火焰的氣勢,烘托出萬丈光輝,氣泡和流紋均勻的分佈也充分的體現水晶脫蠟 工藝的複雜性,騰的氣泡與琉紋相互交織,形成生生不息的迴圈。鼎腹內凹的圓形中刻有“永寶用”三字,配以熊熊的火焰,寓意薪火相傳,光耀後人。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.