Crystal Flower, Peony, The Proof of Awareness-Springtime Dance (Collector's Edition)
Collection: The Proof of Awareness Design Description: The original “Springtime Dance” is collected by Denmark’s Glasmuseet Ebeltoft and comes from the internationally acclaimed series “Proof of Awareness” by artist Loretta H. Yang. Being highly reputed for her Buddha and flower oeuvre, Yang combines both elements here in philosophy and subject. Captured in the fleeting moment of the flower’s zenith, this sculpture of a peony flower elicits a type of beauty that is only heightened by its ephemeral nature. The piece is named after its season of blossom and the dynamism with which it comes to life if but only for a short time. This collector’s edition of the original work is available worldwide in highly limited quantities. 牡丹精靈以不同的人性姿態將作品的豐富人文哲學意涵,同為自然生命的表徵。 琉璃的美麗,在創作者的爛熟技法掌握下,展現一種如舞如詩的幻美,它的內在,卻是悲憫的歡喜。 在「康寧玻璃博物館」中「澄明之悟」被陳設在最為顯著重要的位置,國際知名琉璃藝術家史蒂文溫伯格(Steven Weinberg)在參觀博物館後,對著藝術家說:「這樣的位置連我都嫉妒喔!」在美國展覽,驚訝的發現,西方藝術界及收藏界對「楊惠姍」的熟悉及喜愛,對他們來說,「楊惠姍」是東方風格女性琉璃藝術家的代表,獨特的創作思考,令他們對於東方文化開啟新的眼界,更對於作品數為觀止。美國現代琉璃藝術家威廉卡森(William Carlson)說:「楊惠姍美麗的作品讓我展開新的視界也看見了中國文化在她身上的深刻影響,她建立了屬於她的創作語言。」 此作品的藝術家版本收藏於下列玻璃博物館:
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.