Unrestrained Euphony
Design Description
The hulu shape conforms to the Daoist idea of an all-encompassing and joyous way of being and moving through the world. Zhuangzi wrote, “The spirit comes from the dao”. A rounded robust form, liuli streams that flow upward in dark to light gradient. The embossed surface features peaches - a symbol of fertility and future generations, lychee - a symbol of a sweet life and pomegranate - a symbol of togetherness. The hulu, like an intoxicating carafe of liuli wine, reflects the play between light and shadow. Shou, the character for longevity, is hand-carved and repeated across the hulu. Each shou symbolizes LIULI's reverence for humanistic philosophy. The shou symbol is uniquely Chinese and represents blessings and sincerity. Celebrations are often punctuated by a toast. Within each sip eliciting a rich and profound emotion. 作品設計概念:葫蘆的形象也正符合道家包容萬物的美學觀,展現酣暢逍遙的人生態度。莊子說“精神生於道”,我們的精神是從“道”中產生的。瓶身圓融飽滿,高溫中琉璃料色從底部由深至淺的流淌,形成漸變。外部浮刻有象徵多子多孫的桃子、生活甜蜜的荔枝、團結凝聚紅石榴,光影交錯,宛如一壺香醇的琉璃果酒。匠師手工雕刻萬壽紋,每一個“壽”的精細雕磨,展現琉璃工房對人文理念的敬意。萬壽紋是中國人特有的文化符號,代表的祝福與誠意是機器不能替代的。佳慶時刻,所有的祝福都融在了一杯敬酒中,“潛入深,深入喉”,深厚情誼都在這一刻的酣暢之飲中。 | |||||||||||
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* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.