Crystal Flower, Peach Blossoms Figurine, Flourish Through Practice
Collection: The Compulsion To Bloom Belongs To All That is Beautiful Design Description: Signifying boundless vitality, a truss of vibrant peach blossoms surges upward from an elegant stem of negative space in liuli. The contrast of bloom above and transparency below expresses the nature of cause and effect. Together, they stand out equally in acknowledging both the richness of life and the passage of purity and self-fulfillment. Traditionally symbolizing love, peach blossoms represent the confidence and pure beauty of true womanhood. 桃花,在傳統文化中,是傳情達意的符號。 一簇明豔桃花,從澄澈明淨裡,如泉湧般綻放,無限生機輝耀每個時刻。而桃花盛開的如此美麗,收穫的時刻還會遠嗎?此款作品定格的畫面是:春風拂來,桃花以自由的姿態朝著一個方向盡情舒展,花的色彩與拋光底座之間,有著自然的暈染過渡,輕盈靈動,仔細觀賞,猶如蓄一汪清水,氣泡升騰,仿佛無限希望孕育而出。 作品整體呈現著向上奮發的氣勢,代表著人生的激勵與鼓舞。作品上下之間,是絢麗與明澈的對照,也是因與果的觀照。大面積澄澈透明的琉璃,是此款作品的特色。只有在純粹裡,才能綻放圓滿;而只有閱過絢美,才會醒悟清淨澄澈並非虛無,而是人生的必經之路。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.