Crystal Feng Shui, Gourd, Hulu, Well of Fortune
Collection: Buoyed by Spring Light |
Design Description: Without the four seasons, there can be no year. Without just one season there could be no cycle. In this classic rendition from our spring-inspired collection, “Buoyed by Spring Light,” four hulu gourds converge from their four respective cardinal compass directions. Adorned with baroque-like embellishments of floral patterns, they invoke a calming and contented feeling of fullness, fulfillment, and richness. Steeped in rich cultural motifs, this classic liuli glasswork carries with it millennia of artistic tradition, a symbol of the grand and never-ending orchestra that is nature’s spring season. The Chinese word for gourd, hulu (葫蘆), has other auspicious associations as well. In some dialects, the character hu (葫) has a similar pronunciation to fu (福) which means "happiness" or "good fortune". Therefore, saying hulu (葫蘆) for gourd would sound similar to fulu (福禄) which means "happiness and rank (as in attaining a high government office)". 抽象的橘子造型雙雙相連,有吉事連連的美好寓意。作品佈滿吉祥牡丹圖紋。牡丹花象徵繁榮昌盛:牡丹花開時節,繁花似錦,燦爛輝煌。在大唐盛世,上下無不為之傾倒,因此自唐宋以來,牡丹即有吉祥富貴,前程似錦的美好祝福。立體誇張的大葉片,是工房少有的風格。葉面的牡丹圖紋,層層遞進向上延展,與靜態果實,成為一動一靜的相映樂趣。作品背面的拋光,清晰透出正面高浮雕的「吉」字與牡丹。辦辦舒展的牡丹花瓣將「吉」字環繞其中,營造燦爛華美的視覺饗宴。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.