Why Glass? - Redefine Glass Art: The Must Know 12 Glass Artists
We have faith that glass possesses the ability to convey our thoughts and emotions on life. - Chang Yi |
We believe in art because art is interlaced with our very beings. Whether it is an idea, an emotion or a person, it serves as a statement on the universe and life. Is LIULI art? Can it be art? Just as the validity of oil painting is never questioned yet the validity of a simple drawing is, we feel that this type of question misses the point. Our only concern is whether or not glass art is the art of the people. Does it reflect our thoughts in this world? If not, then all glass creations are mere indulgences of technique. LIULIGONGFANG's CEO, Chang Yi, also the curator of Why Glass? exhibition, through the years of glass art collection. He redefines the meaning of glass art and introduce the twelve remarkable glass artist which influence the technique and the culture of glass art. |
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