Crystal Art, Hulu, Feng Shui, Traditional Chinese Feng Shui gifts, Fine Art
Collection: As The Good World Turns Design Description: This Fengshui-inspired collection draws from millennia-old motifs in classic art to invoke the best within us: Positivity, self-encouragement, and courage. The hulu, for one, symbolizes the harmony of Earth and all that is nourishing. These artistic motifs remind us of creating that energy for ourselves in our own space that may elevate our atmosphere and forge a strong relationship with the “fengshui” or energy of our homes and work places. In life, love, and business, we can find harmony anywhere. Feature: The crystal ball is roll-able and detachable. 我有葫蘆,福祿我有。 動態平衡,胸有成竹,乾坤運轉。 葫蘆紮根於土,土地,安身立命,聚氣納福,包羅萬象,順應自然。 土地滋養,厚德載物;根基深厚,可應萬變。 這樣的福報,基於善念,不僅自己好運,也帶給旁人無盡祥瑞。 新作品說明 葫蘆有福更有心, 可以裝金丹,聚靈氣, 弱水三千隻取一瓢。 物事輪轉,留一點空,設計一件自帶“空境”的葫蘆, 是虔誠祝福,也是一種自我提醒與激勵。 順境時,虛懷若谷,凡事留一席餘地; 逆境時,韜光養晦,保存實力,蓄勢待發。 因為空: 是無窮無盡的,是納福聚氣的,是行雲流水的,是源源不絕的。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.