Crystal Flower, Camellia Bloom, Destined Harmony
Collection: Flower Sculptures,A Peaceful Existence Design Description: LIULI pays homage to resilience and courage in this crystal camellia flower artwork—a flower that blooms in the winter and is adored by the Chinese for its remarkable ability to fare through the winter. In this art piece, flower and vase are juxtaposed to represent the camellia and a full moon reflected in a pool. Subtle touches like the amber lighting of the flower hint at the interwoven bond that it has with the beloved full moon. On the shores of a pool beside that soft moonlit flowerbed, one can truly look within and up into the universe in the same breath. Meticulous in every aspect of its design, Destined Harmony is a glass piece that adds a symbolic and deeply meaningful touch to any surface—coffee table or desk—and makes for thought-invoking conversation starters. View the self through flowers, view the world through a vase. Through the camellia’s fearlessness in winter, we are shown courage. 茶花開放於冬春之際,從深秋到寒冬不懼寒風。待到春風吹起時,傲然獨放,姿態豐盈,端莊高雅,獨佔春風。宋代詩人陸游曾讚美茶花:雪裹開花到春晚,世間耐久孰如君?在琉璃工房的創作,茶花也是常見的主題。《一朵中國琉璃花》系列中,作品《獨秀》就是一朵茶花;而琉璃工房創始人、藝術家楊惠姍2018年在青島完成的巨型琉璃茶花《獨佔春風》更是完成了琉璃藝術上,史無前例的茶花創作。 作品以脫臘製成,茶花的花瓣需要一層一層塑造而起,細膩的雕塑源自對茶花深入的觀察。而圓圓的小池塘,既完成了對一輪滿月的抽象塑造,內凹形成的空間,又讓作品體現出日常的使用性。一朵堅韌的山茶,映著圓月,無論在辦公桌,還是在個人的書桌上,一場花與人的對話,讓藝術點亮心靈,讓琉璃成為值得擁有的生活藝術。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.