Crystal Flower, Lily Flower, Lily In Harmony
Collection:Flower Sculptures,A Peaceful Existence Design Description: Depicting one of the most regal and elegant flowers in the plant kingdom here is a crystal artwork of the famous Chinese Lily. Known for its association with the spring season, the lily flower is said to possess a harmonious character—its name “Bai-He” being homophonous with “harmony.” Arguably the most confident piece in the collection Peaceful Existence, this art piece is sculpted with meticulous care. The series exploit every possible angle of a vase-piece, cleverly combining flower with structure to create both a physical contrast of light as well as the metaphorical contrast of introversion and extroversion. View the self through flowers, view the world through a vase. In the harmony of the lily, we are shown an accepting way of life. The lily is classic and magnanimous, flawless and elegant. In the language of flowers, it symbolizes great love. 以花觀己,以瓶觀世界,從作品百合百和,看見處世的圓融。 百合花形典雅大方,無疵雅致,花語有偉大的愛之意。百合高雅純潔,天主教以百合花為瑪利亞的象徵,而梵蒂岡、法國以百合花為國花。百合的種頭由鱗片抱合而成,取「百事合意」「和美萬事」之意,從古至今均是不可少的吉祥花卉。設計上,用葉片的高低錯落,遠近虛實,構成連綿不絕的視覺觀感, 挺立向上的姿態,是勃發生命力的象徵。技法上,為二次燒制接駁。花厚實飽滿,葉挺拔卓立,輝映與共,相得益彰。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.