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Crystal Mythical Creature, Qilin, Sun Dance


Collection: An Auspicious Look for a Beautiful World 

Design Description:

A smooth layering of colors seeps into the artwork here from its focal point—the qilin. The mythical animal has been believed by the Chinese to be the amalgamation of all the divine creatures’ most notable traits. Qualities such as strength, humility, wisdom, and righteousness are all represented in this heavenly balance of characters. This age-old narrative has been reinterpreted over the ages in many art forms and stories, but the prevailing theme conveys the same lesson of righteousness and cosmic balance to be emulated. Here, in “Sun Dance,” the mythical qilin prevails over the heavenly bodies—sun and moon, radiating joy over the world.

古人將麒麟視作仁獸,認為麒麟出沒處,必有祥瑞。《禮記·禮運第九》:“麟、鳳、龜、龍,謂之四靈”,這種傳說中的瑞獸,是按東方的思維方式複合構思所創造的動物,麋身,牛尾,馬蹄,魚鱗,是將那些備受人們珍愛的動物所具備的優點,全部集中在麒麟這一幻想中的神獸的建構上,充分體現了「集美」思想。麒麟也用來比喻才能傑出、德才兼備的人。 在造型上,定格了麒麟沖出的姿態充滿動感。盤踞的球體,象徵大而圓的太陽,這是宇宙最巨大的發光體,播撒蓬勃力量,而球體的通透,亦體現琉璃光的獨特,讓麒麟傲視乾坤的體態,更顯千年瑞獸的尊貴威儀。 色彩從麒麟緩緩透進球體、層層遞進,琉紋絲絲暈染,體現一種和諧而又飽含熱情能量的美麗。

Sun Dance

It moves heaven and earth with its prowess
yet never disturbs grass nor insect.
Benevolence and kindness uphold righteousness
and proclaim the broadness of humanity and everlasting goodness.




Item No.:



10.4*4.5*10.6 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre 脫蠟鑄造法 

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

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