New Medicine Liuli Buddha
The second great wish of the Medicine Buddha states:
"May the moment come when I attain enlightenment, the body, even the soul, become as liuli. Pure, transparent, flawless."
Despite the immense difficulty in the task of forging this artwork, Loretta H. Yang created the expertly crafted Blue Medicine Buddha in unlimited edition as a blessing of health for all art lovers around the world. Recalling the Medicine Buddha’s vow to help and heal all the sick and injured of the world, it is a testament to Yang’s personal struggles and the fortitude to overcome them that this artist’s piece is shared universally.
是楊惠姍塑佛的一生志業, 原只是師法依循著藥師如來救苦濟世的慈悲精神。 竟看到了自己的修行, 二十年過去, 漸漸明瞭其中意涵; 在「琉璃」透明的材質裡, 內心愈見清澈透明,愈是澄澈無礙。
楊惠姍以佛家所說,琉璃色即青藍色。 精誠恭鑄「藥師琉璃光如來」, 執此心路明燈, 眾生離苦的修習大願; 在慈悲的琉璃世界裡, 楊惠姍仍然不停地走下去。